
Translation Agency Interlingua

Professional Website Translation

You are looking for a professional translation?
Interlingua translates into over 90 languages and works exclusively with native-speaking translators .


Your Interlingua Team

Introducing ourselves

Certifications and Awards

Workflows at Interlingua

As an ISO-certified translation service provider, we support our customers through every project phase.


Send us your documents for translation today!


Transparent pricing and quotations without hidden costs.


We exclusively assign translators that are native speakers of the target language and experts in their field of specialisation.


All translations are edited by the translator as well as the revisor prior to delivery, and checked for completeness, accuracy and quality.


Your documents will be delivered to you in a timely and reliable manner.
We would be happy to receive feedback from you after project completion.

We have been working with Interlingua for around 10 years. We appreciate the uncomplicated handling of the translations, the reliability and the pleasant, collaborative relationship.

As an international corporation, we need Interlingua’s international language expertise and appreciate the professionalism of their translations and their customer focus.

We are very satisfied and appreciate the flexibility of Interlingua, the fast processing and the reliable follow-up questions and thoughtful approach.

Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich relies on the expertise of Interlingua for the English translation of its annual reports. We appreciate the proactive planning, professional translation and rapid response, even when questions arise at short notice.

Even in emergency situations, Interlingua is our reliable partner for all conceivable language combinations without delay and with the usual quality.

What we appreciate most about working with Interlingua is their flexibility, straightforwardness and reliability.

When relaunching our website, it was important to be able to provide our international customers with all content in English right from the start. Our collaboration with Interlingua not only made this possible, but also gave us the certainty that all translations were “from the same mould”.

As an international company, we often need translations in all languages at the same time, sometimes at short notice, which is why we have been working with Interlingua for around three years now.

Competent, reliable and punctual, even when translating many texts at the same time – that’s how customers experience Interlingua Language Services.

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